Consumer Information on Wireless Phones
(The following information comes from a consumer
information Web site jointly sponsored by the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) and the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC), entitled “Cell Phone Facts: Consumer
Information on Wireless Phones.” The information reproduced
herein is dated April 3, 2002. For further updates, please visit
the Web site:
1. What is radiofrequency energy (RF)?
Radiofrequency (RF) energy is another name for radio waves. It
is one form of electromagnetic energy that makes up the
electromagnetic spectrum. Some of the other forms of energy
in the electromagnetic spectrum are gamma rays, x-rays and
light. Electromagnetic energy (or electromagnetic radiation)
consists of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving
together (radiating) through space. The area where these waves
are found is called an electromagnetic field.
Radio waves are created due to the movement of electrical
charges in antennas. As they are created, these waves radiate
away from the antenna. All electromagnetic waves travel at the
speed of light. The major differences between the different types
of waves are the distances covered by one cycle of the wave and
the number of waves that pass a certain point during a set time
period. The wavelength is the distance covered by one cycle of a
wave. The frequency is the number of waves passing a given
point in one second. For any electromagnetic wave, the
wavelength multiplied by the frequency equals the speed of
light. The frequency of an RF signal is usually expressed in units
called hertz (Hz). One Hz equals one wave per second. One
kilohertz (kHz) equals one thousand waves per second, one
megahertz (MHz) equals one million waves per second, and one
gigahertz (GHz) equals one billion waves per second.
RF energy includes waves with frequencies ranging from about
3000 waves per second (3 kHz) to 300 billion waves per second
(300 GHz). Microwaves are a subset of radio waves that have
frequencies ranging from around 300 million waves per second
(300 MHz) to three billion waves per second (3 GHz).

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4A: Safety
2. How is radiofrequency energy used?
Probably the most important use of RF energy is for telecommu-
nications. Radio and TV broadcasting, wireless phones, pagers,
cordless phones, police and fire department radios, point-to-
point links and satellite communications all rely on RF energy.
Other uses of RF energy include microwave ovens, radar,
industrial heaters and sealers, and medical treatments. RF
energy, especially at microwave frequencies, can heat water.
Since most food has a high water content, microwaves can
cook food quickly. Radar relies on RF energy to track cars and
airplanes as well as for military applications. Industrial heaters
and sealers use RF energy to mold plastic materials, glue wood
products, seal leather items such as shoes and pocketbooks,
and process food. Medical uses of RF energy include pacemaker
monitoring and programming.
3. How is radiofrequency radiation measured?
RF waves and RF fields have both electrical and magnetic
components. It is often convenient to express the strength of the
RF field in terms of each component. For example, the unit "volts
per meter" (V/m) is used to measure the electric field strength,
and the unit "amperes per meter" (A/m) is used to express the
magnetic field strength. Another common way to characterize an
RF field is by means of the power density. Power density is
defined as power per unit area. For example, power density can
be expressed in terms of milliwatts (one thousandth of a watt)
per square centimeter (mW/cm2 or microwatts (one millionth of
a watt) per square centimeter (µW/cm2).
The quantity used to measure how much RF energy is actually
absorbed by the body is called the Specific Absorption Rate or
SAR. The SAR is a measure of the rate of absorption of RF
energy. It is usually expressed in units of watts per kilogram
(W/kg) or milliwatts per gram (mW/g).
4. What biological effects can be caused by RF energy?
The biological effects of radiofrequency energy should not
be confused with the effects from other types of
electromagnetic energy.
Very high levels of electromagnetic energy, such as is found in
X-rays and gamma rays can ionize biological tissues. Ionization
is a process where electrons are stripped away from their

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normal locations in atoms and molecules. It can permanently
damage biological tissues including DNA, the genetic material.
Ionization only occurs with very high levels of electromagnetic
energy such as X-rays and gamma rays. Often the term radiation
is used when discussing ionizing radiation (such as that
associated with nuclear power plants).
The energy levels associated with radiofrequency energy,
including both radio waves and microwaves, are not great
enough to cause the ionization of atoms and molecules.
Therefore, RF energy is a type of non-ionizing radiation. Other
types of non-ionizing radiation include visible light, infrared
radiation (heat) and other forms of electromagnetic radiation
with relatively low frequencies.
Large amounts of RF energy can heat tissue. This can damage
tissues and increase body temperatures. Two areas of the body,
the eyes and the testes, are particularly vulnerable to RF heating
because there is relatively little blood flow in them to carry
away excess heat.
The amount of RF radiation routinely encountered by the
general public is too low to produce significant heating or
increased body temperature. Still, some people have questions
about the possible health effects of low levels of RF energy. It is
generally agreed that further research is needed to determine
what effects actually occur and whether they are dangerous to
people. In the meantime, standards-setting organizations and
government agencies are continuing to monitor the latest
scientific findings to determine whether changes in safety limits
are needed to protect human health.
FDA, EPA and other US government agencies responsible for
public health and safety have worked together and in
connection with WHO to monitor developments and identify
research needs related to RF biological effects.
5. What levels of RF energy are considered safe?
Various organizations and countries have developed standards
for exposure to radiofrequency energy. These standards
recommend safe levels of exposure for both the general public
and for workers. In the United States, the FCC has used safety
guidelines for RF environmental exposure since 1985.

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The FCC guidelines for human exposure to RF electromagnetic
fields are derived from the recommendations of two expert
organizations, the National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements (NCRP) and the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE). In both cases, the
recommendations were developed by scientific and
engineering experts drawn from industry, government, and
academia after extensive reviews of the scientific literature
related to the biological effects of RF energy.
Many countries in Europe and elsewhere use exposure
guidelines developed by the International Commission on Non-
Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The ICNIRP safety
limits are generally similar to those of the NCRP and IEEE, with
a few exceptions. For example, ICNIRP recommends different
exposure levels in the lower and upper frequency ranges and
for localized exposure from certain products such as hand-held
wireless telephones. Currently, the World Health Organization
is working to provide a framework for international
harmonization of RF safety standards.
The NCRP, IEEE, and ICNIRP all have identified a whole-body
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value of 4 watts per kilogram
(4 W/kg) as a threshold level of exposure at which harmful
biological effects may occur. Exposure guidelines in terms of
field strength, power density and localized SAR were then
derived from this threshold value. In addition, the NCRP, IEEE,
and ICNIRP guidelines vary depending on the frequency of the
RF exposure. This is due to the finding that whole-body human
absorption of RF energy varies with the frequency of the RF
signal. The most restrictive limits on whole-body exposure are
in the frequency range of 30-300 MHz where the human body
absorbs RF energy most efficiently. For products that only
expose part of the body, such as wireless phones, exposure
limits in terms of SAR only are specified.
The exposure limits used by the FCC are expressed in terms of
SAR, electric and magnetic field strength, and power density for
transmitters operating at frequencies from 300 kHz to 100 GHz.
The specific values can be found in two FCC bulletins, OET
Bulletins 56 and 65:

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6. Why has the FCC adopted guidelines for RF exposure?
The FCC authorizes and licenses products, transmitters, and
facilities that generate RF and microwave radiation. It has
jurisdiction over all transmitting services in the U.S. except those
specifically operated by the Federal Government. While the FCC
does not have the expertise to determine radiation exposure
guidelines on its own, it does have the expertise and authority to
recognize and adopt technically sound standards promulgated by
other expert agencies and organizations, and has done so. (Our
joint efforts with the FDA in developing this website is illustrative
of the kind of inter-agency efforts and consultation we engage in
regarding this health and safety issue.)
Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA),
the FCC has certain responsibilities to consider whether its
actions will significantly affect the quality of the human
environment. Therefore, FCC approval and licensing of
transmitters and facilities must be evaluated for significant
impact on the environment. Human exposure to RF radiation
emitted by FCC-regulated transmitters is one of several factors
that must be considered in such environmental evaluations. In
1996, the FCC revised its guidelines for RF exposure as a result
of a multi-year proceeding and as required by the
Telecommunications Act of 1996.
Radio and television broadcast stations, satellite-earth stations,
experimental radio stations and certain wireless
communication facilities are required to undergo routine
evaluation for RF compliance when they submit an application
to the FCC for construction or modification of a transmitting
facility or renewal of a license. Failure to comply with the FCC's
RF exposure guidelines could lead to the preparation of a
formal Environmental Assessment, possible Environmental
Impact Statement and eventual rejection of an application.
Technical guidelines for evaluating compliance with the FCC RF
safety requirements can be found in the FCC's OET Bulletin 65.
Low-powered, intermittent, or inaccessible RF transmitters and
facilities are normally excluded from the requirement for routine
evaluation for RF exposure. These exclusions are based on
standard calculations and measurement data indicating that a
transmitting station or equipment operating under the conditions
prescribed is unlikely to cause exposures in excess of the

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guidelines under normal conditions of use. Such exclusions are
not exclusions from compliance, but, rather, exclusions from
routine evaluation. The FCC's policies on RF exposure and
categorical exclusion can be found in Section 1.1307(b) of the
FCC's Rules and Regulations [(47 CFR 1.1307(b)].
7. How can I obtain the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value for
my wireless phone?
The FCC requires that wireless phones sold in the United States
demonstrate compliance with human exposure limits adopted
by the FCC in 1996. The relative amount of RF energy absorbed
in the head of a wireless telephone-user is given by the Specific
Absorption Rate (SAR), as explained above. The FCC requires
wireless phones to comply with a safety limit of 1.6 watts per
kilogram (1.6 W/kg) in terms of SAR.
Information on SAR for a specific phone model can be obtained
for many recently manufactured phones using the FCC
identification (ID) number for that model. The FCC ID number
is usually printed somewhere on the case of the phone.
Sometimes it may be necessary to remove the battery pack to
find the number. Once you have the ID number, go to the
following Web address:
. On this page, you
will see instructions for entering the FCC ID number. Type the
FCC ID number exactly as requested (the Grantee Code is the
first three characters, the Equipment Product Code is the rest of
the FCC ID number). Then click on "Start Search." The "Grant of
Equipment Authorization" for your telephone should appear.
Read through the grant for the section on "SAR Compliance,"
"Certification of Compliance with FCC Rules for RF Exposure"
or similar language. This section should contain the value(s) for
typical or maximum SAR for your phone.
Phones and other products authorized since June 2, 2000,
should have the maximum SAR levels noted directly on the
"Grant of Equipment Authorization." For phones and products
authorized between about mid-1998 and June 2000, detailed
information on SAR levels is typically found in the exhibits
associated with the grant. Once a grant is accessed, the exhibits
can be viewed by clicking on "View Exhibit." Grants authorized
prior to 1998 are not part of the electronic database but, rather,
have been documented in the form of paper records.

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The FCC database does not list phones by model number.
However, consumers may find SAR information from other
sources as well. Some wireless phone manufacturers make
SAR information available on their own Web sites. In addition,
some non-government Web sites provide SARs for specific
models of wireless phones. However, the FCC has not reviewed
these sites and makes no guarantees of their accuracy. Finally,
phones certified by the Cellular Telecommunications and
Internet Association (CTIA) are required to provide SAR
information to consumers in the instructional materials that
come with the phones.
8. Do hands-free kits for wireless phones reduce risks from
exposure to RF emissions?
Since there are no known risks from exposure to RF emissions
from wireless phones, there is no reason to believe that
hands-free kits reduce risks. Hands-free kits can be used with
wireless phones for convenience and comfort. These systems
reduce the absorption of RF energy in the head because the
phone, which is the source of the RF emissions, will not be
placed against the head. On the other hand, if the phone is
mounted against the waist or other part of the body during use,
then that part of the body will absorb more RF energy. Wireless
phones marketed in the U.S. are required to meet safety
requirements regardless of whether they are used against the
head or against the body. Either configuration should result in
compliance with the safety limit.
9. Do wireless phone accessories that claim to shield the head
from RF radiation work?
Since there are no known risks from exposure to RF emissions
from wireless phones, there is no reason to believe that
accessories that claim to shield the head from those emissions
reduce risks. Some products that claim to shield the user from
RF absorption use special phone cases, while others involve
nothing more than a metallic accessory attached to the phone.
Studies have shown that these products generally do not work
as advertised. Unlike "hand-free" kits, these so-called "shields"
may interfere with proper operation of the phone. The phone
may be forced to boost its power to compensate, leading to an
increase in RF absorption. In February 2002, the Federal trade
Commission (FTC) charged two companies that sold devices
that claimed to protect wireless phone users from radiation

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with making false and unsubstantiated claims. According to
FTC, these defendants lacked a reasonable basis to substantiate
their claim.
10. What are wireless telephone base stations?
Fixed antennas used for wireless telecommunications are
referred to as cellular base stations, cell stations, PCS ("Personal
Communications Service") stations or telephone transmission
towers. These base stations consist of antennas and electronic
equipment. Because the antennas
need to be high in the air, they are often located on towers,
poles, water tanks, or rooftops. Typical heights for freestanding
base station towers are 50-200 feet.
Some base stations use antennas that look like poles, 10 to 15
feet in length, that are referred to as "omni-directional"
antennas. These types of antennas are usually found in rural
areas. In urban and suburban areas, wireless providers now
more commonly use panel or sector antennas for their base
stations. These antennas consist of rectangular panels, about 1
by 4 feet in dimension. The antennas are usually arranged in
three groups of three antennas each. One antenna in each
group is used to transmit signals to wireless phones, and the
other two antennas in each group are used to receive signals
from wireless phones.
At any base station site, the amount of RF energy produced
depends on the number of radio channels (transmitters) per
antenna and the power of each transmitter. Typically, 21
channels per antenna sector are available. For a typical cell site
using sector antennas, each of the three transmitting antennas
could be connected to up to 21 transmitters for a total of 63
transmitters. However, it is unlikely that all of the transmitters
would be transmitting at the same time. When omni-directional
antennas are used, a cellular base station could theoretically use
up to 96 transmitters, but this would be very unusual, and,
once again, it is unlikely that all transmitters would be in
operation simultaneously. Base stations used for PCS
communications generally require fewer transmitters than
those used for cellular radio transmissions, since PCS carriers
usually have a higher density of base station antenna sites.

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11. Are wireless telephone base stations safe?
The electromagnetic RF signals transmitted from base station
antennas stations travel toward the horizon in relatively narrow
paths. For example, the radiation pattern for an antenna array
mounted on a tower can be likened to a thin pancake centered
around the antenna system. The individual pattern for a single
array of sector antennas is wedge-shaped, like a piece of pie. As
with all forms of electromagnetic energy, the power decreases
rapidly as one moves away from the antenna. Therefore, RF
exposure on the ground is much less than exposure very close
to the antenna and in the path of the transmitted radio signal. In
fact, ground-level exposure from such antennas is typically
thousands of times less than the exposure levels recommended
as safe by expert organizations. So exposure to nearby residents
would be well within safety margins.
Cellular and PCS base stations in the United States are required
to comply with limits for exposure recommended by expert
organizations and endorsed by government agencies
responsible for health and safety. Measurements made near
cellular and PCS base station antennas mounted on towers have
confirmed that ground-level exposures are typically thousands
of times less than the exposure limits adopted by the FCC. In
fact, in order to be exposed to levels at or near the FCC limits
for cellular or PCS frequencies an individual would essentially
have to remain in the main transmitted radio signal (at the
height of the antenna) and within a few feet from the antenna.
This is, of course, very unlikely to occur.
When cellular and PCS antennas are mounted on rooftops, RF
levels on that roof or on others near by would probably be
greater than those typically encountered on the ground.
However, exposure levels approaching or exceeding safety
guidelines should be encountered only very close to or directly
in front of the antennas. In addition, for sector-type antennas,
typically used for such rooftop base stations, RF levels to the
side and in back of these antennas are insignificant. General
guidelines on antenna installations and circumstances that
might give rise to a concern about an facility's conformance
with FCC regulations can be found in A Local Government
Official's Guide to Transmitting Antenna RF Emission Safety:
Rules, Procedures, and Practical Guidance. This Guide can be
accessed at:

Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information
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12. Who regulates exposure to radiation from microwave ovens,
television sets and computer monitors?
The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting
the public from harmful radiation emissions from these
consumer products.
13. Does the FCC routinely monitor radiofrequency radiation from
The FCC does not have the resources or the personnel to
routinely monitor the emissions for all the thousands of
transmitters that are subject to FCC jurisdiction. However, the
FCC does have measurement instrumentation for evaluating RF
levels in areas that may be accessible to the public or to
workers. If there is evidence for potential non-compliance with
FCC exposure guidelines for a FCC-regulated facility, staff from
the FCC's Office of Engineering and Technology or the FCC
Enforcement Bureau can conduct and investigation, and, if
appropriate, perform actual measurements. Circumstances that
could give rise to a concern about an facility's conformance
with FCC regulations can be found in A Local Government
Official's Guide to Transmitting Antenna RF Emission Safety:
Rules, Procedures, and Practical Guidance. This Guide can be
accessed at:
. Potential exposure
problems should be brought to the FCC's attention by
contacting the FCC RF Safety Program at: 202-418-2464 or by
e-mail: rfsafety@fcc.gov.
14. Does the FCC maintain a database that includes information on
the location and technical parameters of all the transmitting
towers it regulates?
Each of the FCC Bureaus maintains its own licensing database
system for the service(s) it regulates (e.g., television, cellular
service, satellite earth stations). The FCC issues two types of
licenses: site specific and market based. In the case of site
specific licensed facilities, technical operating information is
collected from the licensee as part of the licensing process.
However, in the case of market based licensing (e.g., PCS,
cellular), the licensee is granted the authority to operate a radio
communications system in a geographic area using as many
facilities as are required, and the licensee is not required to
provide the FCC with specific location and operating
parameters of these facilities.

Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information
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Information on site specific licensed facilities can be found in
the "General Menu Reports" (GenMen) at
The various FCC Bureaus also publish on at least a weekly basis,
bulk extracts of their licensing databases. Each licensing
database has its own unique file structure. These extracts
consist of multiple, very large files. The FCC's Office of
Engineering and Technology (OET) maintains an index to these
databases at
. Entry
points into the various databases include frequency, state/
county, latitude/longitude, call-sign and licensee name. For
further information on the Commission's existing databases,
you can contact Donald Campbell at dcampbel@fcc.gov or
15. Can local and state governmental bodies establish limits for RF
Although some local and state governments have enacted rules
and regulations about human exposure to RF energy in the past,
the Telecommunications Act of 1996 requires the Federal
Government to control human exposure to RF emissions. In
particular, Section 704 of the Act states that, "No State or local
government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the
placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless
service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of
radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities
comply with the Commission's regulations concerning such
emissions." Further information on federal authority and FCC
policy is available in a fact sheet from the FCC's Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau at
16. Do wireless phones pose a health hazard?
The available scientific evidence does not show that any health
problems are associated with using wireless phones. There is
no proof, however, that wireless phones are absolutely safe.
Wireless phones emit low levels of radiofrequency energy (RF)
in the microwave range while being used. They also emit very
low levels of RF when in the stand-by mode. Whereas high
levels of RF can produce health effects (by heating tissue),
exposure to low level RF that does not produce heating effects
causes no known adverse health effects. Many studies of low
level RF exposures have not found any biological effects. Some

Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information
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studies have suggested that some biological effects may occur,
but such findings have not been confirmed by additional
research. In some cases, other researchers have had difficulty in
reproducing those studies, or in determining the reasons for
inconsistent results.
17. What is FDA's role concerning the safety of wireless phones?
Under the law, FDA does not review the safety of radiation-
emitting consumer products such as wireless phones before
they can be sold, as it does with new drugs or medical devices.
However, the agency has authority to take action if wireless
phones are shown to emit radiofrequency energy (RF) at a level
that is hazardous to the user. In such a case, FDA could require
the manufacturers of wireless phones to notify users of the
health hazard and to repair, replace or recall the phones so that
the hazard no longer exists.
Although the existing scientific data do not justify FDA
regulatory actions, FDA has urged the wireless phone industry
to take a number of steps, including the following:
Support needed research into possible biological effects of
RF of the type emitted by wireless phones;
Design wireless phones in a way that minimizes any RF
exposure to the user that is not necessary for device
function; and
Cooperate in providing users of wireless phones with the
best possible information on possible effects of wireless
phone use on human health
FDA belongs to an interagency working group of the federal
agencies that have responsibility for different aspects of RF
safety to ensure coordinated efforts at the federal level. The
following agencies belong to this working group:
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Communications Commission
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
National Telecommunications and Information
The National Institutes of Health participates in some
interagency working group activities, as well.

Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information
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FDA shares regulatory responsibilities for wireless phones with
the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). All phones
that are sold in the United States must comply with FCC safety
guidelines that limit RF exposure. FCC relies on FDA and other
health agencies for safety questions about wireless phones.
FCC also regulates the base stations that the wireless phone
networks rely upon. While these base stations operate at higher
power than do the wireless phones themselves, the RF
exposures that people get from these base stations are typically
thousands of times lower than those they can get from wireless
phones. Base stations are thus not the primary subject of the
safety questions discussed in this document.
18. What kinds of phones are the subject of this update?
The term “wireless phone” refers here to hand-held wireless
phones with built-in antennas, often called “cell,” “mobile,” or
“PCS” phones. These types of wireless phones can expose the
user to measurable radiofrequency energy (RF) because of the
short distance between the phone and the user’s head. These
RF exposures are limited by Federal Communications
Commission safety guidelines that were developed with the
advice of FDA and other federal health and safety agencies.
When the phone is located at greater distances from the user,
the exposure to RF is drastically lower because a person's RF
exposure decreases rapidly with increasing distance from the
source. The so-called "cordless phones," which have a base unit
connected to the telephone wiring in a house, typically operate
at far lower power levels, and thus produce RF exposures well
within the FCC's compliance limits.
19. What are the results of the research done already?
The research done thus far has produced conflicting results,
and many studies have suffered from flaws in their research
methods. Animal experiments investigating the effects of
radiofrequency energy (RF) exposures characteristic of wireless
phones have yielded conflicting results that often cannot be
repeated in other laboratories. A few animal studies, however,
have suggested that low levels of RF could accelerate the
development of cancer in laboratory animals. However, many
of the studies that showed increased tumor development used
animals that had been genetically engineered or treated with
cancer-causing chemicals so as to be pre-disposed to develop

Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information
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cancer in the absence of RF exposure. Other studies exposed
the animals to RF for up to 22 hours per day. These conditions
are not similar to the conditions under which people use
wireless phones, so we don’t know with certainty what the
results of such studies mean for human health.
Three large epidemiology studies have been published since
December 2000. Between them, the studies investigated any
possible association between the use of wireless phones and
primary brain cancer, glioma, meningioma, or acoustic
neuroma, tumors of the brain or salivary gland, leukemia, or
other cancers. None of the studies demonstrated the existence
of any harmful health effects from wireless phone RF
exposures. However, none of the studies can answer questions
about long-term exposures, since the average period of phone
use in these studies was around three years.
20. What research is needed to decide whether RF exposure from
wireless phones poses a health risk?
A combination of laboratory studies and epidemiological studies
of people actually using wireless phones would provide some of
the data that are needed. Lifetime animal exposure studies could
be completed in a few years. However, very large numbers of
animals would be needed to provide reliable proof of a cancer
promoting effect if one exists. Epidemiological studies can
provide data that is directly applicable to human populations,
but 10 or more years’ follow-up may be needed to provide
answers about some health effects, such as cancer. This is
because the interval between the time of exposure to a cancer-
causing agent and the time tumors develop - if they do - may be
many, many years. The interpretation of epidemiological studies
is hampered by difficulties in measuring actual RF exposure
during day-to-day use of wireless phones. Many factors affect
this measurement, such as the angle at which the phone is held,
or which model of phone is used.
21. What is FDA doing to find out more about the possible health
effects of wireless phone RF?
FDA is working with the U.S. National Toxicology Program and
with groups of investigators around the world to ensure that
high priority animal studies are conducted to address important
questions about the effects of exposure to radiofrequency
energy (RF).

Section 4: Safety Guidelines and Warranty Information
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FDA has been a leading participant in the World Health
Organization International Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)
Project since its inception in 1996. An influential result of this
work has been the development of a detailed agenda of
research needs that has driven the establishment of new
research programs around the world. The Project has also
helped develop a series of public information documents on
EMF issues.
FDA and the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet
Association (CTIA) have a formal Cooperative Research and
Development Agreement (CRADA) to do research on wireless
phone safety. FDA provides the scientific oversight, obtaining
input from experts in government, industry, and academic
organizations. CTIA-funded research is conducted through
contracts to independent investigators. The initial research will
include both laboratory studies and studies of wireless phone
users. The CRADA will also include a broad assessment of
additional research needs in the context of the latest research
developments around the world.
22. What steps can I take to reduce my exposure to radiofrequency
energy from my wireless phone?
If there is a risk from these products--and at this point we do
not know that there is--it is probably very small. But if you are
concerned about avoiding even potential risks, you can take a
few simple steps to minimize your exposure to radiofrequency
energy (RF). Since time is a key factor in how much exposure a
person receives, reducing the amount of time spent using a
wireless phone will reduce RF exposure.
If you must conduct extended conversations by wireless phone
every day, you could place more distance between your body
and the source of the RF, since the exposure level drops off
dramatically with distance. For example, you could use a
headset and carry the wireless phone away from your body or
use a wireless phone connected to a remote antenna.
Again, the scientific data do not demonstrate that wireless
phones are harmful. But if you are concerned about the RF
exposure from these products, you can use measures like those
described above to reduce your RF exposure from wireless
phone use.

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23. What about children using wireless phones?
The scientific evidence does not show a danger to users of
wireless phones, including children and teenagers. If you want
to take steps to lower exposure to radiofrequency energy (RF),
the measures described above would apply to children and
teenagers using wireless phones. Reducing the time of wireless
phone use and increasing the distance between the user and
the RF source will reduce RF exposure.
Some groups sponsored by other national governments have
advised that children be discouraged from using wireless phones
at all. For example, the government in the United Kingdom
distributed leaflets containing such a recommendation in
December 2000. They noted that no evidence exists that using a
wireless phone causes brain tumors or other ill effects. Their
recommendation to limit wireless phone use by children was
strictly precautionary; it was not based on scientific evidence
that any health hazard exists.
24. What about wireless phone interference with medical
Radiofrequency energy (RF) from wireless phones can interact
with some electronic devices. For this reason, FDA helped
develop a detailed test method to measure electromagnetic
interference (EMI) of implanted cardiac pacemakers and
defibrillators from wireless telephones. This test method is now
part of a standard sponsored by the Association for the
Advancement of Medical instrumentation (AAMI). The final
draft, a joint effort by FDA, medical device manufacturers, and
many other groups, was completed in late 2000. This standard
will allow manufacturers to ensure that cardiac pacemakers and
defibrillators are safe from wireless phone EMI.
FDA has tested hearing aids for interference from hand-held
wireless phones and helped develop a voluntary standard
sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic
Engineers (IEEE). This standard specifies test methods and
performance requirements for hearing aids and wireless phones
so that no interference occurs when a person uses a
“compatible” phone and a “compatible” hearing aid at the same
time. This standard was approved by the IEEE in 2000.
FDA continues to monitor the use of wireless phones for
possible interactions with other medical devices. Should

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harmful interference be found to occur, FDA will conduct
testing to assess the interference and work to resolve
the problem.
25. Which other federal agencies have responsibilities related to
potential RF health effects?
Certain agencies in the Federal Government have been involved
in monitoring, researching or regulating issues related to
human exposure to RF radiation. These agencies include the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH), the National Telecommunications
and Information Administration (NTIA) and the Department of
Defense (DOD).
By authority of the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of
1968, the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of
the FDA develops performance standards for the emission of
radiation from electronic products including X-ray equipment,
other medical devices, television sets, microwave ovens, laser
products and sunlamps. The CDRH established a product
performance standard for microwave ovens in 1971 limiting the
amount of RF leakage from ovens. However, the CDRH has not
adopted performance standards for other RF-emitting products.
The FDA is, however, the lead federal health agency in
monitoring the latest research developments and advising other
agencies with respect to the safety of RF-emitting products used
by the public, such as cellular and PCS phones.
The FDA's microwave oven standard is an emission standard (as
opposed to an exposure standard) that allows specific levels of
microwave leakage (measured at five centimeters from the oven
surface). The standard also requires ovens to have two
independent interlock systems that prevent the oven from
generating microwaves the moment that the latch is released or
the door of the oven is opened. The FDA has stated that ovens
that meet its standards and are used according to the
manufacturer's recommendations are safe for consumer and
industrial use. More information is available from:
The EPA has, in the past, considered developing federal
guidelines for public exposure to RF radiation. However, EPA

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activities related to RF safety and health are presently limited to
advisory functions. For example, the EPA now chairs an Inter-
agency Radiofrequency Working Group, which coordinates RF
health-related activities among the various federal agencies with
health or regulatory responsibilities in this area.
OSHA is responsible for protecting workers from exposure to
hazardous chemical and physical agents. In 1971, OSHA issued
a protection guide for exposure of workers to RF radiation [29
CFR 1910.97]. However, this guide was later ruled to be only
advisory and not mandatory. Moreover, it was based on an
earlier RF exposure standard that has now been revised. At the
present time, OSHA uses the IEEE and/or FCC exposure
guidelines for enforcement purposes under OSHA's "general
duty clause" (for more information see:
NIOSH is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. It conducts research and investigations into issues
related to occupational exposure to chemical and physical
agents. NIOSH has, in the past, undertaken to develop RF
exposure guidelines for workers, but final guidelines were
never adopted by the agency. NIOSH conducts safety-related
RF studies through its Physical Agents Effects Branch in
Cincinnati, Ohio.
The NTIA is an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce
and is responsible for authorizing Federal Government use of
the RF electromagnetic spectrum. Like the FCC, the NTIA also
has NEPA responsibilities and has considered adopting
guidelines for evaluating RF exposure from U.S. Government
transmitters such as radar and military facilities.
The Department of Defense (DOD) has conducted research on
the biological effects of RF energy for a number of years. This
research is now conducted primarily at the U.S. Air Force
Research Laboratory located at Brooks Air Force Base, Texas.
The DOD Web site for RF biological effects information is listed
with other sites in conjunction with a question on other
sources of information, below.
26. Who funds and carries out research on the biological effects of
RF energy?
Research into possible biological effects of RF energy is carried
out in laboratories in the United States and around the world. In

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the U.S., most research has been funded by the Department of
Defense, due to the extensive military use of RF equipment
such as radar and high-powered radio transmitters. In addition,
some federal agencies responsible for health and safety, such as
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), have sponsored and conducted
research in this area. At the present time, most of the non-
military research on biological effects of RF energy in the U.S. is
being funded by industry organizations. More research is being
carried out overseas, particularly in Europe.
In 1996, the World Health Organization (WHO) established the
International EMF Project to review the scientific literature and
work towards resolution of health concerns over the use of RF
technology. WHO maintains a Web site that provides extensive
information on this project and about RF biological effects and
research (
FDA, EPA and other US government agencies responsible for
public health and safety have worked together and in
connection with WHO to monitor developments and identify
research needs related to RF biological effects.

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